So, the other day my husband goes to throw something away. When he opens the cabinet for the trash can he says "Are you serious? You put a recycl-a-bag in the regular trash can?" He has a hard time with anything new around the house. Anyway, I told him it was an experiment and may not be permanent, but that he needed to let me try it out.
My thoughts are, that back in the day people didn't put all their trash into bags before they put it out to the trash. They used their cans and then washed them out. Now a days we throw millions of plastic bags into landfills that contain our trash. Bags that may or may not break down. When the trash is dumped there without bags at least it can break down and take up less space.
So, this is what I'm going to do. Anything that I can compost, I will compost. Anything that can go down the garbage disposal will go there. My cans and bottles will go into my recycle container in a recycl-a-bag (for easy transport to the recycle center) and the rest will go into my tall kitchen recycl-a-bag. If it's something really messy I'll consider putting it in a grocery store sack first. Then when it's full I'll take it to the large trash can (In my case a dumpster because I live in a condo) and dump it in there. I'll replace that bag with the other one that I will rotate between and wash the other one with my regular wash.
I'll keep you posted on how this works, but I think it's a terrific environment friendly idea.
Have a great day !!
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